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OS/2 Historical Programming and Toolkit Documents.

These documents are being made available for historical reference.
Content may be removed at any time at the request of the copyright holder.

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OS/2 Programming Documents
  • CP1.INF - Control Program Programming Guide and Reference, Part 1 of 3
  • CP2.INF - Control Program Programming Guide and Reference, Part 2 of 3
  • CP3.INF - Control Program Programming Guide and Reference, Part 3 of 3
  • ADDENDUM.INF - Programming Guide and Reference Addendum
  • ALPREF.INF - ALP Programming Guide and Reference
  • APIBAS.INF - API Addendum Volume 1 (PowerPC Edition)
  • DISPLAY.INF - Display Device Driver Reference for OS/2
  • GRADD.INF - Graphics Adapter Device Driver Reference
  • MMPM2.INF - MMPM/2 Device Driver Reference
  • PDDREF.INF - Physical Device Driver Reference
  • PDRREF.INF - Presentation Device Driver Reference for OS/2
  • STORAGE.INF - Storage Device Driver Reference
  • DNAL1MST.INF - SystemView Agent DMI Programmer's Guide
  • DPIL1MST.INF - SystemView Agent DMI Programmer's Guide
  • GPI1.INF - GPI Guide and Reference, Part 1 of 4
  • GPI2.INF - GPI Guide and Reference, Part 2 of 4
  • GPI3.INF - GPI Guide and Reference, Part 3 of 4
  • GPI4.INF - GPI Guide and Reference, Part 4 of 4
  • IFS.INF - OS/2 Installable File Systems
  • IPFREF.INF - IPF Programming Guide and Reference
  • MMAPG.INF - Multimedia Application Programming Guide
  • MMREF1.INF - Multimedia Programming Reference, Part 1 of 3
  • MMREF2.INF - Multimedia Programming Reference, Part 2 of 3
  • MMREF3.INF - Multimedia Programming Reference, Part 3 of 3
  • MMSSPG.INF - Multimedia Subsystem Programming Guide
  • NMAKE32.INF - Enhanced Program Maintenance Utility (NMAKE32)
  • OGLBASE.INF - OpenGL Programming Reference
  • OMF.INF - IBM OS/2 32-bit Object Module Format and Linear Executable Format
  • OPEN32.INF - Open32 Programming Guide and Reference
  • PDGUIDE.INF - Problem Determination Programmer's Guide
  • PM1.INF - Presentation Manager Programming Guide and Reference, Part 1 of 5
  • PM2.INF - Presentation Manager Programming Guide and Reference, Part 2 of 5
  • PM3.INF - Presentation Manager Programming Guide and Reference, Part 3 of 5
  • PM4.INF - Presentation Manager Programming Guide and Reference, Part 4 of 5
  • PM5.INF - Presentation Manager Programming Guide and Reference, Part 5 of 5
  • PMBDTECH.INF - Bidirectional Language Programming Guide
  • PRCP.INF - Legacy OS/2 Programming Reference
  • RC16.INF - Legacy Resource Compiler Guide and Reference
  • REXXPG.INF - Object REXX Programming Guide
  • SG244640.INF - The OS/2 Debugging Handbook (SG24-4640-00)
  • SOMGUIDE.INF - System Object Model Programming Guide
  • SOMREF.INF - System Object Model Programming Reference
  • OPEN32.INF - OS/2 Server Family Programming GReference
  • TCPPR.INF - TCP/IP Version 4.21 Programming Reference
  • TOOLSREF.INF - Tools Reference
  • UNIAPI.INF - Unicode Programming Reference
  • USETLKT.INF - Using Your Toolkit
  • WINSOC11.INF - Windows Sockets Version 1.1
  • WPS1.INF - Workplace Shell Programming Reference, Part 1 of 3
  • WPS2.INF - Workplace Shell Programming Reference, Part 2 of 3
  • WPS3.INF - Workplace Shell Programming Reference, Part 3 of 3
  • WPSGUIDE.INF - Workplace Shell Programming Guide
  • XPG4REF.INF - C Library Reference

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