Obtains information about an attached file system (local or remote), or about a character device or pseudocharacter device attached to the file system.

#include <os2.h>

PSZ            pszDeviceName;   /*  A drive designation or the name of a character or pseudocharacter device. */
ULONG          ulOrdinal;       /*  An index into the list of character or pseudocharacter devices, or the set of drives. */
ULONG          ulFSAInfoLevel;  /*  Level of information returned in pfsqb. */
PFSQBUFFER2    pfsqb;           /*  Address of the buffer for returned information. */
PULONG         pcbBuffLength;   /*  Address of the length, in bytes, of the data buffer. */
APIRET         ulrc;            /*  Return Code. */

ulrc = DosQueryFSAttach(pszDeviceName, ulOrdinal,
         ulFSAInfoLevel, pfsqb, pcbBuffLength);

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