Retrieves the semaphore records from a muxwait-semaphore list.
#define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #include <os2.h> HMUX hmux; /* The handle of the muxwait semaphore to query. */ PULONG pcSemRec; /* A pointer to the ULONG which contains the number of semaphore record entries. */ PSEMRECORD pSemRec; /* A pointer to the semaphore record entries in the muxwait-semaphore list. */ PULONG pflAttr; /* A pointer to the flAttr attribute flags that were passed by DosCreateMuxWaitSem. */ APIRET ulrc; /* Return Code. */ ulrc = DosQueryMuxWaitSem(hmux, pcSemRec, pSemRec, pflAttr);