pszPathName (PSZ) - input
Global file-name characters are not permitted.
DosQuerySysInfo is called by an application during initialization to determine the maximum path length allowed by the operating system.
ulInfoLevel (ULONG) - input
A value of 1 or 2 can be specified, as shown in the following list.
The structures described in pInfoBuf indicate the information being set for each of these levels.
pInfoBuf (PVOID) - input
Level 1 File Information (ulInfoLevel == FIL_STANDARD)
Level 2 sets a series of extended attribute (EA) name/value pairs.
cbInfoBuf (ULONG) - input
flOptions (ULONG) - input
If flOptions is 0x00000010 (DSPI_WRTTHRU), then all the information, including extended attributes (EAs), must be written to the disk before returning to the application. This guarantees that the EAs have been written to the disk. All other bits are reserved, and must be zero.
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosSetPathInfo returns one of the following values: