Gets the position at which the presentation space maps to the window.

#define INCL_VIO
#include <os2.h>

PULONG          Remfonts;  /*  Number of fonts not returned. */
PFONTMETRICS    Metrics;   /*  Font metrics. */
ULONG           Metlen;    /*  Maximum length of data. */
PULONG          Fonts;     /*  Number of fonts. */
PSZ             Facename;  /*  Face name of fonts. */
ULONG           Options;   /*  Controls which fonts are selected. */
HVIO            hvps;      /*  VIO presentation-space handle. */
APIRET          rc;        /*  Return code. */

rc = VioQueryFonts(Remfonts, Metrics, Metlen,
       Fonts, Facename, Options, hvps);

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