pszName (PSZ) - input
Semaphore names are validated by the file system, and must include the prefix \SEM32\. A maximum of 255 characters is allowed. If these requirements are not met, ERROR_INVALID_NAME is returned. If the semaphore already exists, ERROR_DUPLICATE_NAME is returned.
If this field is null, the muxwait semaphore is unnamed. Unnamed semaphores can be either private or shared, depending on flAttr. They are identified by the semaphore handle that phmux points to.
By default, named semaphores are shared.
phmux (PHMUX) - output
cSemRec (ULONG) - input
pSemRec (PSEMRECORD) - input
This is the list of event or mutex semaphores that must be posted or released in order for the muxwait semaphore to clear.
flAttr (ULONG) - input
The attributes of the semaphore are a combination of the following values:
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosCreateMuxWaitSem returns one of the following values: