Scrolls up the entire display buffer (or area specified within the display buffer).

#define INCL_VIO
#include <os2.h>

ULONG     TopRow;     /*  Top row to be scrolled. */
ULONG     LeftCol;    /*  Left column to be scrolled. */
ULONG     BotRow;     /*  Bottom row to be scrolled. */
ULONG     RightCol;   /*  Right column to be scrolled. */
ULONG     Lines;      /*  Number of lines. */
PBYTE     Cell;       /*  Cell to be written. */
HVIO      VioHandle;  /*  VIO presentation-space handle. */
APIRET    rc;         /*  Return code. */

rc = VioScrollUp(TopRow, LeftCol, BotRow,
       RightCol, Lines, Cell, VioHandle);

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