pszName (PSZ) - input
Pipe names must include the prefix \PIPE\ and must conform to file-system naming conventions.
pHpipe (PHPIPE) - output
openmode (ULONG) - input
This parameter contains the following bit fields:
This bit is meaningful only for a remote pipe. Occasionally, data written to a remote pipe is buffered locally and then sent across the network to the pipe at a later time. Setting the write-through bit ensures that data is sent to the remote pipe as soon as it is written.
This bit is not inherited by child processes.
pipemode (ULONG) - input
This parameter contains the following bit fields:
DosRead normally blocks until at least partial data can be returned. DosWrite blocks by default until all of the requested bytes have been written. Nonblocking mode changes this behavior as following:
DosRead returns immediately with ERROR_NO_DATA if no data is available.
DosWrite returns immediately with a value of 0 for pcbActual if there is not enough buffer space available in the pipe; otherwise, the entire data area is transferred.
cbOutbuf (ULONG) - input
cbInbuf (ULONG) - input
msec (ULONG) - input
This is the default value for the msec parameter of DosWaitNPipe.
This value may be set only when the first instance of the pipe name is being created. If the value is 0, a system-wide default value (50 ms) is chosen.
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosCreateNPipe returns one of the following values:
For a full list of error codes, see Errors.