hDevice (HFILE) - input
category (ULONG) - input
The valid range is 0 to 255.
function (ULONG) - input
The valid range is 0 to 255.
pParams (PVOID) - input
cbParmLenMax (ULONG) - input
This is the maximum length of the data to be returned in pParams. pcbParmLen may be larger than this on input, but not on output.
pcbParmLen (PULONG) - in/out
If this function returns ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, then pcbParmLen points to the size of the buffer required to hold the parameters returned. No other data is returned in this case.
pData (PVOID) - input
cbDataLenMax (ULONG) - input
This is the maximum length of the data to be returned in pData. pcbDataLen may be larger than this on input, but not on output.
pcbDataLen (PULONG) - in/out
If this function returns ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, then pcbDataLen points to the size of the buffer required to hold the data returned.
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosDevIOCtl returns one of the following values: