Edits file and directory names indirectly by transforming one ASCII string into another, using global file-name characters for editing or search operations on the string.

#include <os2.h>

ULONG     metalevel;  /*  The level of editing semantics to use in transforming the source string. */
PSZ       pszSource;  /*  Address of the ASCIIZ string to transform. */
PSZ       pszEdit;    /*  Address of the ASCIIZ string to use for editing. */
PBYTE     pszTarget;  /*  Address of the buffer for the resulting ASCIIZ string. */
ULONG     cbTarget;   /*  The length of the buffer, in bytes, for the resulting string. */
APIRET    ulrc;       /*  Return Code. */

ulrc = DosEditName(metalevel, pszSource, pszEdit,
         pszTarget, cbTarget);

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