metalevel (ULONG) - input
If the value of metalevel is 1, the system uses editing semantics for OS/2 Version 1.2. Values greater than 1 are not feasible.
pszSource (PSZ) - input
Global file-name characters are specified only in the subdirectory or file-name component of the path name, and are interpreted as search characters. pszSource should contain only the component of the path name to edit, not the entire path.
pszEdit (PSZ) - input
Global file-name characters specified in the edit string are interpreted as editing characters. Because only the name component of a path name is transformed, this string does not include the path component.
pszTarget (PBYTE) - output
cbTarget (ULONG) - input
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosEditName returns one of the following values: