Lets a program run another program as a child process.
#define INCL_DOSPROCESS #include <os2.h> PCHAR pObjname; /* Address of the buffer in which the name of the object that contributed to the failure of DosExecPgm is returned. */ LONG cbObjname; /* Length, in bytes, of the buffer described by pObjname. */ ULONG execFlag; /* Flag indicating how the program runs in relation to the requester, and whether execution is under conditions for debugging. */ PSZ pArg; /* Address of the ASCIIZ argument strings passed to the program. */ PSZ pEnv; /* Address of the ASCIIZ environment strings passed to the program. */ PRESULTCODES pRes; /* Pointer to the RESULTCODES structure where the process ID, or the termination code and the result code indicating the reason for ending the child process is returned. */ PSZ pName; /* Address of the name of the file that contains the program to be executed. */ APIRET ulrc; /* Return Code. */ ulrc = DosExecPgm(pObjname, cbObjname, execFlag, pArg, pEnv, pRes, pName);