The result buffer from DosFindFirst should be less than 64KB.

DosFindFirst returns directory entries (up to the number requested in pcFileNames) and extended-attribute information for as many files or subdirectories whose names, attributes, and EAs match the specification, and whose information fits in pfindbuf. On output, pcFileNames contains the actual number of directory entries returned.

The file name pointed to by pszFileSpec can contain global file-name characters.

DosFindNext uses the directory handle associated with DosFindFirst to continue the search started by the DosFindFirst request.

Any nonzero return code, except ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, indicates that no handle has been allocated. This includes such nonerror indicators as ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES.

For ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, a search handle is returned, and a subsequent call to DosFindNext gets the next matching entry in the directory. You can use DosQueryPathInfo to retrieve the EAs for the matching entry by using the same EA arguments used for the DosFindFirst call, and the name that was returned by DosFindFirst.

For ERROR_EAS_DIDNT_FIT, only information for the first matching entry is returned. This entry is the one whose extended attributes did not fit in the buffer. The information returned is in the format of that returned for information Level 2. No further entries are returned in the buffer, even if they could fit in the remaining space.

The GEA2 list contained inside pfindbuf during a Level 3 DosFindFirst and DosFindNext call is not "read-only", it is used by OS/2. When the function returns, the list is restored to it's original state, but inside the function, the list is manipulated by OS/2. This is of concern to a multithreaded application, where two different threads might use the same GEA2 list as input. If one thread calls DosFindFirst or DosFindNext while another thread is inside DosFindFirst or DosFindNext, the second thread will fail with a return code of ERROR_BAD_FORMAT.

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