Provides an extended standard interface between an application and a file-system driver (FSD).
#define INCL_DOSFILEMGR #include <os2.h> PVOID pData; /* Address of the data area. */ ULONG cbData; /* The length, in bytes, of pData. */ PULONG pcbData; /* Pointer to the length of data passed to or returned from the FSD. */ PVOID pParms; /* Address of the command-specific parameter list. */ ULONG cbParms; /* The length, in bytes, of pParms. */ PULONG pcbParms; /* Pointer to the length of the parameters passed to or returned from the FSD. */ ULONG function; /* The function code that is specific to the file-system driver. */ PSZ pszRoute; /* Address of the ASCIIZ name of the FSD, or the path name of a file or directory that the operation applies to. */ HFILE hFile; /* File-specific or device-specific handle. */ ULONG method; /* Method used to routed the request. */ APIRET ulrc; /* Return Code. */ ulrc = DosFSCtl(pData, cbData, pcbData, pParms, cbParms, pcbParms, function, pszRoute, hFile, method);