pData (PVOID) - input
cbData (ULONG) - input
This is the maximum length of the data to be returned by the file-system driver in pData. pcbData may be larger than this on input, but not on output.
pcbData (PULONG) - in/out
pParms (PVOID) - input
cbParms (ULONG) - input
This is the maximum length of the data to be returned by the file-system driver in pParms. pcbParms may be larger than this on input, but not on output.
pcbParms (PULONG) - in/out
function (ULONG) - input
For remote file-system drivers, two kinds of DosFSCtl functions are possible: functions that are handled locally, and functions that are exported across the network. If bit 0x4000 is set in function, this indicates to the remote file-system driver (FSD) that the function should be exported.
Function codes from 0x0000 to 0x7FFF are reserved for use by the operating system. Function codes from 0x8000 to 0xBFFF are FSD-defined DosFSCtl functions handled by the local file-system driver. Function codes from 0xC000 to 0xFFFF are FSD-defined DosFSCtl functions exported to the server.
function may have one of the following values:
pszRoute (PSZ) - input
This parameter must be a null pointer (OL) If method is equal to FSCTL_HANDLE
hFile (HFILE) - input
This parameter must be -1 when method is equal to FSCTL_PATHNAME or FSCTL_FSDNAME.
method (ULONG) - input
Possible values are shown in the following list:
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosFSCtl returns one of the following values: