hpipe (HPIPE) - input
DosCreateNPipe returns the server handle; DosOpen returns the client handle.
pBuf (PVOID) - output
cbBuf (ULONG) - input
pcbActual (PULONG) - output
pAvail (PAVAILDATA) - output
pState (PULONG) - output
Possible values are shown in the following list:
The pipe is in a disconnected state immediately after a call to DosCreateNPipe, or DosDisConnectNPipe. A disconnected pipe cannot accept a call to DosOpen. The server must issue DosDisConnectNPipe before the pipe can be opened by a client.
The pipe is in a listening state after the server issues DosConnectNPipe. A listening pipe is ready to accept a DosOpen request. If the pipe is not in a listening state, DosOpen returns ERROR_PIPE_BUSY.
The pipe is in a connected state after a client has successfully issued DosOpen. The connected pipe allows the server and the client to read and write to the pipe, provided both have valid handles.
The pipe is in a closing state after the last DosClose request has been made to the pipe by either the client or the server. When DosClose has been issued for the client handle and all of its duplicates, the client end of the pipe is closed. The serving end must acknowledge the closing of the client end by issuing either DosDisConnectNPipe or DosClose. Issuing DosClose reallocates the pipe.
ulrc (APIRET) - returns
DosPeekNPipe returns one of the following values: