Identifies names and lengths of extended attributes for a specific file or subdirectory.

#include <os2.h>

ULONG     ulRefType;           /*  A value that indicates whether pvFile points to a handle or to an ASCIIZ name. */
PVOID     pvFile;              /*  The address of the file handle, or the file name. */
ULONG     ulEntry;             /*  Ordinal of an entry in the file object's EA list, which indicates where in the list to begin the return of EA information. */
PVOID     pvBuf;               /*  Address of the buffer where EA information is returned. */
ULONG     cbBuf;               /*  The length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pvBuf. */
PULONG    pulCount;            /*  A pointer to a ULONG containing the number of EAs. */
ULONG     ulInfoLevel;         /*  Level of information required. */
FHLOCK    fhFileHandleLockID;  /*  The filehandle lockid returned from DosProtectOpen. */
APIRET    ulrc;                /*  Return Code. */

ulrc = DosProtectEnumAttribute(ulRefType,
         pvFile, ulEntry, pvBuf, cbBuf, pulCount,
         ulInfoLevel, fhFileHandleLockID);

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