The error return code for this function is as follows:
This IOCtl is dependent on the attached printer. If the spooler is active, the CPL/LPI setting by the MODE command does not work and returns error.
The printer device driver supports following combinations of CPL and LPI in the DBCS code page if the spooler is inactive:
[CPL] 132, 158, 176, 198. [LPI] 4, 5, 6, 7 (7.5).
The CPL/LPI setting used by the MODE command does not function correctly in the SBCS code page.
The printer device driver supports the following combinations of CPL and LPI, if the spooler is inactive:
[CPL] 80, 132. [LPI] 6, 8.
The CPL setting is only effective using ANK characters, but it is not effective using KANJI characters. The implementation is the same as DOS/V.