Contains a value indicating the notification-calling
condition. Action is a bit map that describes the type of notification made
to the physical device driver. The bit-map definitions are as follows:
Bits 15-9
Bit 8
Action = 256. AIM post-save activation
Bit 7
Action = 128. AIM pre-save verification
Bit 6
Action = 64. End of session switch
Bit 5
Action = 32. Start of session switch
Bit 4
Action = 16. Session creation
Bit 3
Action = 8. Session termination
Bit 2
Action = 4. Post-session restore
Bit 1
Action = 2. Post-session save
Bit 0
Action = 1. Pre-session save
device drivers can register for any combination of these notification values
by issuing the DOSSMRegisterDD API function. If a physical device driver
receives a notification with an Action value it does not support, it returns