Process Information Block structure.

typedef struct _PIB {
  ULONG     pib_ulpid;     /*  Process identifier. */
  ULONG     pib_ulppid;    /*  Parent process identifier. */
  ULONG     pib_hmte;      /*  Module handle of executable program. */
  PCHAR     pib_pchcmd;    /*  Command line pointer. */
  PCHAR     pib_pchenv;    /*  Environment pointer. */
  ULONG     pib_flstatus;  /*  Process' status bits. */
  ULONG     pib_ultype;    /*  Process' type code. */
} PIB;

typedef   PIB   * PPIB ;

An OS/2 application that has been loaded into memory and prepared for execution is called a process. A process is the code, data, and other resources of an application, such as file handles, semaphores, pipes, queues, and so on. The OS/2 operating system considers every application it loads to be a process.

Information about a process is kept in a read/write area of the process address space, called the Process Information Block (PIB). The operating system creates and maintains a PIB for every process in the system.

An application can access the PIB of a specific process using DosGetInfoBlocks.

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