Extended attributes (EAs) can contain any type of data. So that applications can understand the type of information stored in an EA, the first WORD of EA data must specify one of the following data types:

Extended Attribute Data Types

³Data Type      ³Value ³Description                             ³
³EAT_BINARY     ³FFFE  ³Binary (non-text) data; the first WORD  ³
³               ³      ³following the data type specifies the   ³
³               ³      ³length of the data.                     ³
³EAT_ASCII      ³FFFD  ³ASCII text; the first WORD following the³
³               ³      ³data type specifies the length of the   ³
³               ³      ³data.                                   ³
³EAT_BITMAP     ³FFFB  ³Bit map data; the first WORD following  ³
³               ³      ³the data type specifies the length of   ³
³               ³      ³the data.                               ³
³EAT_METAFILE   ³FFFA  ³Metafile data; the first WORD following ³
³               ³      ³the data type specifies the length of   ³
³               ³      ³the data.                               ³
³EAT_ICON       ³FFF9  ³Icon data; the first WORD following the ³
³               ³      ³data type specifies the length of the   ³
³               ³      ³data.                                   ³
³EAT_EA         ³FFEE  ³ASCII name of another EA that is        ³
³               ³      ³associated with the file. The contents  ³
³               ³      ³of that EA are to be included into the  ³
³               ³      ³current EA. The first WORD following the³
³               ³      ³data type specifies the length of the   ³
³               ³      ³data.                                   ³
³EAT_MVMT       ³FFDF  ³Multi-Valued, Multi-Typed data-two or   ³
³               ³      ³more consecutive extended attribute     ³
³               ³      ³values. Each value has an explicitly    ³
³               ³      ³specified type.                         ³
³EAT_MVST       ³FFDE  ³Multi-Valued, Single-Typed data-two or  ³
³               ³      ³more consecutive extended attribute     ³
³               ³      ³values. All values have the same type.  ³
³EAT_ASN1       ³FFDD  ³ASN.1 field data; an ISO standard for   ³
³               ³      ³describing multivalue data streams.     ³
Values of hex 8000 and up are reserved. Values between hex 0000 and hex 7FFF can be defined by the user.

Symbolic constants are defined in BSEDOS.H and BSEDOS.INC.

In all cases, the length specifies the number of bytes of data. Other values for data types, in the range hex 0000 through hex 7FFF, can be used for user-defined extended attributes.

All user-defined data types should be length-preceded, meaning that a WORD indicating the length of the data (in bytes) precedes the data.

For example, here is how to represent the string "Hello":

    EAT_ASCII    0005    Hello

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