Valid file names in the OS/2 FAT file system have the following form:
The drive parameter must name an existing drive and can be any letter from A through Z. The drive letter must be followed by a colon (:).
The directory parameter specifies the directory that contains the file's directory entry. The directory name must be followed by a backslash (\) to separate it from the file name. If the specified directory is not the current directory, directory must include the names of all the directories in the path, separated by backslashes. The root directory is specified by using a backslash at the beginning of the name.
For example, if the directory ABC is in the directory SAMPLE, and SAMPLE is in the root directory, the directory specification is:
A directory name can also have an extension, which is any combination of up to three letters, digits, or special characters, preceded by a period (.).
The filename and extension parameters specify the file.
FAT File-Naming Rules
For file objects managed by the FAT file system, the following rules apply:
The 8 characters before the dot are blank-filled. Embedded blanks are significant, trailing blanks and blanks immediately preceding the dot are not significant. Trailing blanks are truncated.
For example, "FILE.A" is really "FILE .A ". "FILE.A" and "FILE .A " are treated as the same file by the operating system and refer to the same file. Also, "FILE.TXT " and "FILE.TXT" are treated as the same file.
Blanks elsewhere in the name are significant-"F I L E.TXT" is not the same as "FILE.TXT".
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File extensions can be any combination of up to three letters, digits, or special characters, preceded by a period.
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