In addition to the actual tools and source code available on The IBM Developer Connection Device Driver Kit for OS/2, it also includes the following DDK reference books in online format:

To order the DDK call:
³Canada:             ³1-800-561-5293       ³                     ³
³When calling from   ³ English            ³(+45) 48101500       ³
³Europe, the Middle  ³ French             ³(+45) 48101200       ³
³East, or Africa, the³ Italian            ³(+45) 48101600       ³
³number depends on   ³ German             ³(+45) 48101000       ³
³the language you use³ Spanish            ³(+45) 48101100       ³
³to place the order: ³ Dutch              ³(+45) 48101400       ³
³                    ³ Danish             ³(+45) 48101300       ³
³                    ³ Finish             ³(+45) 48101650       ³
³                    ³ Swedish            ³(+45) 48101150       ³
³                    ³ Norwegian          ³(+45) 48101250       ³
³                    ³ FAX                ³(+45) 48142207       ³
³When ordering from  ³ Bolivia            ³    02-35 1840       ³
³Latin America or    ³ Columbia           ³   01-257-0111       ³
³South America, the  ³ Dominican Republic ³      566-5161       ³
³number depends on   ³ El Salvador        ³    02-98 5011       ³
³the country from    ³ Honduras           ³       32-2319       ³
³which you are       ³ Paraguay           ³   021-444 094       ³
³calling:            ³ Urugruay           ³    02-923 617       ³
³                    ³ Chile              ³   02-633-4400       ³
³                    ³ Costa Rica         ³      223-6222       ³
³                    ³ Ecuador            ³    02-56 5100       ³
³                    ³ Guatemala          ³    02-31 5859       ³
³                    ³ Panama             ³    02-639 977       ³
³                    ³ Peru               ³   014-36 6345       ³
³                    ³ Venezuela          ³   02-908-8901       ³
³                    ³ Argentina          ³   01-313-0014       ³
³To order from Asia/ ³ All except Japan   ³(61) 2-354-7684      ³
³Pacific:            ³ Japan              ³(81) 3-3495-2045(Fax)³
³                    ³                     ³Fax request to:      ³
³                    ³                     ³DAP-J, IBM Japan     ³
³To order from SE    ³(021) 800-6120(Voice)³                     ³
³Brazil:             ³(021) 800-6936(Fax)  ³                     ³
³To order from       ³ Mexico City        ³627-2444             ³
³Mexico:             ³ Country            ³91-800-00639         ³

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