Presentation drivers support the error strategy implemented by the Presentation
Manager interface. When an error occurs, the driver calls WinSetErrorInfo
(see WinSetErrorInfo) to
log the appropriate error code and set the return code to show that an error
was detected.
The component that implements a function must provide error checking for
the environment, objects, and resources associated with it. The presentation
driver requires the following error checking:
- Fail-safe on routines that set attributes and transformation
values. Any routine that changes attributes or transformation values must
be able to restore the initial values if an error occurs during the change.
- Full error checking on symbol sets, fonts, bit maps,
and regions.
- With segment drawing, drawing primitives, and primitive
attributes in draw mode, unchecked parameters are passed directly to the
graphics engine or the presentation driver. When one of these functions
is hooked by the presentation driver, the handling routine must perform
the necessary error checking and log any errors, or reset any invalid values
to their defaults, as appropriate.
- For any function with coordinates as parameters, the
presentation driver must check that the values passed are valid. When an
invalid coordinate is detected, the handling routine must log an error or
use a default coordinate value, as appropriate.
For any defined error, the application sees the same error code regardless
of whether the error was logged by the Graphics Programming Interface (GPI),
graphics engine, or presentation driver.
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