The DSC files are the key to DSPINSTL's ability to act as a generalized installation tool that can install many different types of display drivers. The display driver developer packages a set of drivers by placing the drivers on a diskette, creating one or more DSP files containing DSPINSTL installation and configuration commands. The developer then creates a configuration file entry within a DSC file that summarizes the key points concerning that display driver package. DSC files should be placed either in the directory that contains the DSPINSTL utility program or in a directory that is contained in the user's DPATH. DSPINSTL checks its directory first, and then if it cannot find a DSC file it searches the DPATH, stopping when it finds a directory that contains one or more DSC files. DSPINSTL reads all the DSC files it finds in that directory. DSC files are distinguished by a file-name extension of .DSC. A configuration file entry includes the following types of information: