Simulation support:
This function is mandatory for display drivers supporting software motion video. For other drivers, it is simulated by a handling routine in the graphics engine.
GreEscape DEVESC_GETAPERTURE returns the size and physical address of the video aperture. For example, it would return "0A000h" and "64KB" for most Super VGA adapters. Care must be taken to determine if VGA emulation is active. If it is, a nonconflicting aperture is returned for the aperture address.
When multiple video adapters are present, this call returns the information for the adapter in use by the Presentation Manager for displaying the desktop.
#define INCL_GRE_DEVICE #include <os2.h> HDC hdc; /* Device context handle. */ LONG lCode; /* DEVESC_GETAPERTURE escape code. */ LONG lInCount; /* The handling routine should ignore this parameter. */ PBYTE pbInData; /* The handling routine should ignore this parameter. */ PLONG plOutCount; /* Number of bytes pointed to by pOutData. */ PLONG pbOutData; LONG rc; /* Return Code. */ rc = GreEscape(hdc, lCode, lInCount, pbInData, plOutCount, pbOutData);