Simulation support:

None. This function is mandatory for all drivers.


GrePolyMarker draws a sequence of one or more markers. The first marker is drawn at the current (X,Y) position. Subsequent markers are drawn at the specified (X,Y) positions that indicate the centers of the markers. Upon completion, the current (X,Y) position is the center of the last marker.

This function must be supported by the presentation driver. GrePolyMarker is called by GpiPolyMarker and GpiMarker. GrePolyMarker is used to render one or more markers. The first marker is drawn at the current position and the positions of any subsequent markers must be specified.

#include <os2.h>

HDC        hdc;         /*  Device context handle. */
PPOINTL    paptlPoint;  /*  Pointer to points array. */
LONG       cPoints;     /*  Number of markers to be drawn. */
PVOID      pInstance;   /*  Pointer to instance data. */
ULONG      lFunction;   /*  High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGrePolyMarker. */
LONG       rc;          /*  Return Code. */

rc = GrePolyMarker(hdc, paptlPoint, cPoints,
       pInstance, lFunction);

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