Simulation support:

This function is simulated by a handling routine in the graphics engine.


GrePolySpline draws a sequence of one or more Bezier splines starting at the current (X,Y) position. As each spline is drawn, the specified end point for the spline becomes the start point for the next spline. Upon completion, the current (X,Y) position is the end point of the last spline.

This function can be hooked by the presentation driver.

#include <os2.h>

HDC        hdc;         /*  Device context handle. */
PPOINTL    paptlPoint;  /*  Pointer to coordinates array. */
LONG       cPoints;
PVOID      pInstance;   /*  Pointer to instance data. */
ULONG      lFunction;
LONG       rc;          /*  Return codes. */

rc = GrePolySpline(hdc, paptlPoint, cPoints,
       pInstance, lFunction);

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