The contents of the INI file section for ports is as follows:
appname: PM_PORT_DRIVER keyname: <name> value: <full path to port driver> For example: PM_PORT_DRIVER, SERIAL, C:\OS2\DLL\SERIAL.PDR PARALLEL, C:\OS2\DLL\PARALLEL.PDR EXTLPT, C:\OS2\DLL\EXTLPT.PDR
This is written by the Workplace Shell during installation.
appname: PM_<portname> keyname: DESCRIPTION value: <port description> keyname: INITIALIZATION value: <initialization values> keyname: TERMINATION value: <termination values> keyname: PORTDRIVER value: <name of port driver> keyname: TIMEOUT value: <timeout in seconds> For example: PM_COM1, DESCRIPTION, Serial Port COM1; PM_COM1, INITIALIZATION, 9600;0;W;8;1; PM_COM1, TERMINATION, ; PM_COM1, PORTDRIVER, SERIAL; PM_COM1, TIMEOUT, 45;
For compatibility, the existing port structure is also supported by all port drivers.
appname: PM_SPOOLER_PORT keyname: <port> value: <port init/term sting> For example: PM_SPOOLER_PORT, LPT1, ; COM1, 9600;0;W;8;1;
The port driver is expected to maintain its own sections in the OS2SYS.INI file. The format of the values stored under the keynames INITIALIZATION and TERMINATION is port-driver specific. Also, the port driver might need to hold extra data under the PM_<port> appname.
For a complete description of each of the functions listed in this chapter, see Device Support Function Reference. The functions are listed alphabetically in the index table for that chapter.