Simulation support:
None. This function is mandatory for all drivers.
GreQueryDeviceBitmaps stores a list of bit-map formats supported by the device in the array addressed by paOutData. The number of formats supported can be found by using GreQueryDeviceCaps.
This function must be supported by the presentation driver. GreQueryDeviceBitmaps is called by GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats in response to the request of an application for a list of the bit-map formats that the device context supports. This function can be handled by bit-map simulation.
#define INCL_GRE_DEVICE #include <os2.h> HDC hdc; /* Device context handle. */ PLONG paOutData; /* Pointer to array where the bit-map format data is returned. */ LONG cOutData; /* Number of elements in the array pointed to by paOutData. */ PVOID pInstance; /* Pointer to instance data. */ ULONG lFunction; /* High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGreQueryDeviceBitmaps. */ BOOL rc; /* Return Code. */ rc = GreQueryDeviceBitmaps(hdc, paOutData, cOutData, pInstance, lFunction);