All values are passed to the graphics engine which passes them unchanged to the presentation driver.
Foreground Mix Mode
The presentation driver must support FM_OR, FM_OVERPAINT, FM_XOR, and FM_LEAVEALONE. Other foreground mixes can be handled as FM_OVERPAINT. Mixing, other than for FM_LEAVEALONE or FM_OVERPAINT, is performed on the physical color index or logical palette index. When an indexed color table or palette has been realized, this corresponds to the logical color index. In other cases, the color resulting from a mix cannot be predicted.
Note: An exception to this rule occurs when the same object is drawn twice with FM_XOR and BM_LEAVEALONE, and no intermediate drawing is performed in other mixes. The implementation must guarantee that this always results in the object being erased cleanly.
Other valid mixes can also be supported for some primitive types. When a valid mix is not supported, the default is FM_OVERPAINT. An error is raised only when the specified mix value is not one of those listed above.
GreQueryDeviceCaps allows the application to determine the mixes supported by the device.