The following table indicates the defined ranges for additional escape codes and shows how the operating system processes the escape codes when they are received as parameters to DevEscape:

³32768-40959    ³Escape is not metafiled or recorded by the   ³
³               ³spooler. The escape is passed to the         ³
³               ³presentation driver in all cases.            ³
³40960-49151    ³Escape is metafiled but is not recorded by   ³
³               ³the spooler. For an OD_QUEUED device with    ³
³               ³PM_Q_STD data and for all device types other ³
³               ³than OD_METAFILE, the escape is passed to the³
³               ³presentation driver.                         ³
³49152-57343    ³Escape is metafiled and recorded by the      ³
³               ³spooler. For an OD_METAFILE device or for    ³
³               ³OD_QUEUED with PM_Q_STD data, the escape is  ³
³               ³not passed to the presentation driver.       ³
³57344-65535    ³Escape is recorded by the spooler. The escape³
³               ³is passed to the presentation driver except  ³
³               ³when the DC is an OD_QUEUED device with      ³
³               ³PM_Q_STD data.                               ³

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