GreQueryFonts returns the details of fonts that match the face name addressed by pszFaceName.
This function is supported by the graphics engine.
#define INCL_GRE_FONTS #include <os2.h> HDC hdc; /* Device context handle. */ ULONG flOptions; /* Flags indicating whether private fonts, public fonts, or both are required. */ PSZ pszFaceName; /* Pointer to a string specifying the face name. */ PFONTMETRICS paMetrics; ULONG cMetricLen; /* Length in bytes of each metrics structure in the paMetrics array. */ PULONG pcFontCount; PVOID pInstance; /* Pointer to instance data. */ ULONG lFunction; /* High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGreQueryFonts. */ LONG rc; /* Return codes. */ rc = GreQueryFonts(hdc, flOptions, pszFaceName, paMetrics, cMetricLen, pcFontCount, pInstance, lFunction);