
OS2_PM_DRV_DEVMODE must be compiled to run at Ring 2 Conforming (privilege level 2) or Ring 3 (privilege level 3).

The Device Modes entry point is exported by hardcopy drivers as OS2_PM_DRV_DEVMODE to support the DevPostDeviceModes function at the application programming interface (API). This call is used to display the job and printer properties dialogs.

#include <os2.h>

PDRIVDATA    pDriverData;
PSZ          pszDriverName;
PSZ          pszDeviceName;
PSZ          pszPrinterName;
ULONG        lOptions;
ULONG        rc;              /*  Return codes. */

rc = OS2_PM_DRV_DEVMODE(pDriverData,
       pszDriverName, pszDeviceName, pszPrinterName,

[Next: OS2_PM_DRV_DEVMODE Parameter - pDriverData]