
SplPdEnumPort enumerates the port names and port descriptions that this port driver can manipulate.

#include <os2.h>

HAB       hab;          /*  The handle to the anchor block. */
PVOID     pBuf;         /*  The pointer to the buffer of data structures. */
ULONG     cbBuf;        /*  The size of the buffer in bytes. */
PULONG    pulReturned;  /*  The number of port entries returned. */
PULONG    pulTotal;     /*  The total number of port entries. */
PULONG    pcbNeeded;    /*  The size of the buffer required for all data. */
APIERR    rc;           /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplPdEnumPort(hab, pBuf, cbBuf, pulReturned,
       pulTotal, pcbNeeded);

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