SplPdOpen is an API exported by port drivers. It is called by PrtOpen to open a device for output. SPlPDOpen returns a handle into the port driver to be used on the following calls:
SplPdOpen performs an implicit SplPdSet(BIDI_STARTJOB). The port driver should call PrtSet(BIDI_STARTJOB) during this API call.
#define INCL_SPL #define INCL_SPLBIDI #include <os2.h> PSZ pszPortName; /* Local port name. */ PHFILE phDevice; /* Returned port-driver handle for the device. */ PULONG pDeviceFlags; /* Flag returns type of device being opened. */ PVOID pPrtOpenStruct; /* Pointer to a parameter structure that describes the job being sent to the print device. */ ULONG rc; /* Return codes. */ rc = SplPdOpen(pszPortName, phDevice, pDeviceFlags, pPrtOpenStruct);