
SplPdQuery is an API exported by poirt drivers. It is called by PrtQuery to acquire information about the print device.

#define INCL_SPL
#include <os2.h>

PSZ       pszPortName;  /*  Port name. */
ULONG     ulType;       /*  Type of query and options. */
ULONG     ulCommand;    /*  Generic command code. */
PVOID     pInData;      /*  May contain information required by SplPdQuery. */
ULONG     cbInData;     /*  Length of information in pInData, in bytes. */
PVOID     pOutData;     /*  Return buffer. */
PULONG    pcbOutData;   /*  Points to the length of the output buffer. */
ULONG     rc;           /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplPdQuery(pszPortName, ulType, ulCommand,
       pInData, cbInData, pOutData, pcbOutData);

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