defining how to send the data to the printer.
All other bits must be clear. Values are as follows:
If set, the caller
does not want to return until the command sequence is sent to the printer.
If this flag is not set, the caller returns immediately if unable
to send the command. For example, the command might not be sent if the printer
is being sent a job and the printer cannot accept commands inside a job
FLG_SYNCH - 0x00000002
set, waits for any current job to finish being sent to the printer before
sending this command sequence.
FLG_MORECMDS - 0x00000004
If set, more SplPdSendCmd calls are necessary to
complete the current query or set command.
- 0x00000008
If set, the data channel should be
used for this command.
The data channel is the channel into the printer on which print job data
is sent. Some printers also support a command channel, such as SNMP, which
can be used to send commands into the printer.
However, some commands must be sent to the printer using the data channel
instead of the command channel (for example, sending a PJL query requires
sending the PJL command via the data channel.)
- 0x00000010
If set, the SNMP channel should be
used for this command.
If this flag is set and there is no SNMP channel available, ERROR_INVALID_PATH(253)
is returned.
bit may be used to access a special channel in the port driver. If this
flag is set and the port driver does not support a special channel, the
default command channel should be used to send this data to the printer.
[Back: SplPdSendCmd Parameter - pszPortName]
[Next: SplPdSendCmd Parameter - ulCommand]