This function returns the spooler print job ID for the spool file handle.
This function allows Presentation drivers (or applications) to get the spooler print job ID while still spooling the job. Currently, only SplQmEndDoc will return the spooler print job ID.
SplQmGetJobID will return an error if called after SplQmEndDoc and before the next SplQmStartDoc because the spool file handle does not reference a spool job after SplQmEndDoc.
#define INCL_SPL #define INCL_SPLBIDI #include <os2.h> HSPL hspl; /* Spool file handle returned by SplQmOpen. */ ULONG ulLevel; /* Level of job information; currently, level 0 is supported. */ PVOID pBuf; /* Buffer to receive job information. */ ULONG cbBuf; /* Length of pBuf, in bytes. */ PULONG pcbNeeded; /* Receives length, in bytes, of buffer needed to store job information. */ ULONG rc; /* Return codes. */ rc = SplQmGetJobID(hspl, ulLevel, pBuf, cbBuf, pcbNeeded);