
This function notifies the spooler of a page boundary when spooling a print job. It is called by the Presentation driver just prior to the first SplQmWrite for a page, including before the first page of the print job being spooled.

SplQmNewPage allows prespool approximation of the length of print jobs and may be used to alter job scheduling. The function may be called once, when the entire metafile is spooled, with the total number of pages for the print job.

This call also sets ulPagesSpooled in PRJINFO4 for the print job. See PRJINFO4 in Data Types for details on this data structure.

#define INCL_SPL
#include <os2.h>

HSPL     hspl;          /*  Spool file handle returned by SplQmOpen. */
ULONG    ulPageNumber;  /*  Page number of next SplQmWrite. */
ULONG    rc;            /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplQmNewPage(hspl, ulPageNumber);

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