
This function queries a specific control panel DLL for support for the printer attached to the given port.

#define INCL_SPL
#include <os2.h>

PSZ       pszComputerName;  /*  Name of computer connected to the printer port. */
PSZ       pszPortName;      /*  Printer port name. */
PSZ       pszDeviceID;      /*  Device ID, if known, for the printer connected to pszPortName. */
PSZ       pszControlPanel;  /*  Name of control panel to call to query support for this printer. */
ULONG     flCapabilities;   /*  Capabilities requested. */
PULONG    pulOptions;       /*  Option value returned by the control panel DLL. */
ULONG     rc;               /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplQueryControlPanel(pszComputerName,
       pszPortName, pszDeviceID, pszControlPanel,
       flCapabilities, pulOptions);

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