The spooler will look in the following places for the path to printer drivers:
- The spooler will first look in the system .INI
file for applicationName PM_SPOOLER_DRVSHARE. If found, the spooler will
return the keyValue for keyName pszComputerName if it exists, or
for the first keyName that exists under the applicationName.
- The spooler will check the pszComputerName
field for a share called PRINTDRV.
- The spooler will check the user's logon domain
LS:\\*ALIAS for a share called PRINTDRV.
If a path is found, the spooler will return the path to the caller. The
path can be one of the following:
- An extended UNC path (LS:\\SERVER1\PRINTDRV)
- A UNC path with additional subdirectories defined
- A fully qualified pathname (Z:\OS2\SHARED)
The print object will use the path as follows:
- Look in the root of the path for packed files (.DR_)
- Look in the root of the path for unpacked files (.DRV)
- Look in the subdirectory PMDD_n from path, where n
is the OS2 printer driver diskette number.
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