
This function queries information about a printer port.

#define INCL_SPL
#include <os2.h>

PSZ       pszComputerName;  /*  Name of the computer connected to the port. */
PSZ       pszPortName;      /*  Name of the port to query. */
ULONG     ulLevel;          /*  Level of information to return. */
PVOID     pBuf;             /*  Receives the PRPORTINFO2 data structure. */
ULONG     cbBuf;            /*  Length of buffer pointed to by pBuf, in bytes. */
PULONG    pcbNeeded;        /*  Receives length, in bytes, of buffer needed to return all the port data. */
ULONG     rc;               /*  Return codes. */

rc = SplQueryPort(pszComputerName, pszPortName,
       ulLevel, pBuf, cbBuf, pcbNeeded);

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