pszQueueProcParams (PSZ)
Queue processor parameters (optional). They can include information such as the number of copies you want to print and the size of the output area on the printed page.
The first parameter (COP) is used for all spool-file formats. The remaining parameters are valid for PM_Q_STD spool files only. Because PM_Q_STD data are used mainly for graphic data, these parameters are described in relation to the printing of picture files.
The PMPRINT/PMPLOT queue-processor parameters are separated by spaces and are:
The default is COP=1.
The default value of ARE=C means that the output area is the whole page. Note, however, that the printer cannot print outside its own device clip limits.
To size and position the output area at a specific point on the page, use ARE=w,h,l,t, where:
w, h
The default value of FIT=S causes the output to be scaled until the larger of the height or width just fits within the defined output area. The aspect ratio of the picture is maintained.
To print the picture in actual size, use FIT=l,t, where l,t are the coordinates of the point in the picture that you want positioned at the center of the output area: l is measured from the left edge of the picture; and t is measured from the top edge. The coordinates must be given as percentages of the actual dimensions of the picture.
The default value of XFM=1 allows the appearance of the output to be determined by the settings of the ARE and FIT parameters.
A value of XFM=0 yields output as specified in the picture file. For example, applications that use many different forms can define different positions on each form for their output.
A value of COL=M creates monochrome output (black foreground with no background color). This is supported by all devices.
A value of COL=C creates color output. If you request color output on a monochrome device, the printer presentation driver tries to satisfy your request, which can cause problems because the only color available is black. For example, if the picture file specifies a red line on a blue background, both are drawn in black.
The default is COL=M when you are addressing a monochrome printer and COL=C when you are addressing a color printer.
The default value of MAP=N yields a normal representation of the screen picture on a printed page, which means that the page background is white and the foreground is black.
A value of MAP=A provides the reverse of the normal representation: the background is black and the foreground is white on the printed page.
When the resolution of the device is higher than that of the world coordinate space, a small translation of world coordinate point (0,0) occurs on the device to preserve the accuracy of the mapping from world to device coordinate units. For example, (0,0) becomes (1,1) if there are 3 pels to every world coordinate.
Normally, this is not noticeable, but it can be a problem with some devices. For example, in order to draw a complete row of 80 characters using a device font, a device may require the text to start at device coordinate position zero. Starting at a position other than zero may cause one or more characters at the end of the row to be clipped. In such cases, elimination of the translation is important and can be accomplished by specifying XLT=1.
The default is XLT=0.