palette -
list of colors assigned to various areas on a panel. A user can change the
color of these areas.
pel -
permissible action -
a conceptual schema language, an action conforming to specified rules or
constraints that changes a presumably consistent collection of sentences
into a consistent one or makes known a consistent one present in the information
base or conceptual schema.
phase alignment -
Aligning source bits with destination bits. Often
required in a Bitblt function move operation where byte blocks are moved
on bit boundaries.
physical address -
32-bit byte address giving the actual address in physical storage for a
data item.
physical device driver (PDD) -
system interface that handles hardware interrupts and supports a set of
input and output functions.
pipe -
named pipe, unnamed pipe.
picture element (pel,
pixel) -
(1) In computer graphics, the smallest
element of a display surface that can be independently assigned color and
intensity. (T) . (2) The area of the finest detail that can be reproduced
effectively on the recording medium. (3) An element of a raster pattern
about which a toned area on a photoconductor can appear.
A curve based on a sequence of lines. The curve
is tangential to the end points of the first and last lines, and tangential
also to the midpoints of all other lines.
In computer graphics, a sequence of adjoining
pop -
To remove
an item from the top of a pushdown list. Contrast with push.
To locate and load a quantity of data in anticipation
of a request.
presence-check function -
Ring 3 (non-privileged) .EXE program that determines whether a given hardware
interface is present on a workstation.
A keyword, interpreted by the DDINSTAL utility,
to determine whether to process the device driver profile file, based on
the return code from PRESENCECHECK.
printer driver
A file that describes the physical characteristics
of a printer, plotter, or other peripheral device, and is used to convert
graphics and text into device-specific data at the time of printing or plotting.
Print Manager -
the Presentation Manager, the part of the spooler that manages the spooling
process. It also allows the user to view print queues and to manipulate
print jobs.
privilege level -
method of protection that allows only certain program instructions to be
used by certain programs.
program group -
programs that can be acted upon as a single entity.
mode -
A method of program operation that limits
or prevents access to certain instructions or areas of storage. Contrast
with real mode.
push -
add an item to the top of a pushdown list. Contrast with pop.
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