Simulation support:

This function is simulated by a handling routine in the graphics engine.


GreCloseFigure closes a figure within a path definition by drawing a line from the current (X,Y) position to the start point of the figure. Upon completion, the current position is the start point of the figure. "Open figures" can be generated by starting a new figure (with a Move function) or by ending the path without first closing the figure. GreCloseFigure is valid outside of a path definition. When this occurs, this function has no effect and the handling routine ignores it. For more information, see "GpiCloseFigure" in the Presentation Manager Programming Reference.

This function can be hooked by the presentation driver.

#include <os2.h>

HDC      hdc;        /*  Device context handle. */
PVOID    pInstance;  /*  Pointer to instance data. */
ULONG    lFunction;  /*  High-order WORD=flags; low-order WORD=NGreCloseFigure. */
BOOL     rc;         /*  This function returns BOOLEAN (fSuccess). */

rc = GreCloseFigure(hdc, pInstance, lFunction);

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