hdc (HDC) - input
flOptions (ULONG) - input
The only valid flag for this function is:
pszFaceName (PSZ) - input
If this is a NULL pointer, all faces are matched.
pfmMetrics (PFONTMETRICS) - input
cMetrics (LONG) - input
pcFonts (PLONG) - input
This is a pointer to the number of fonts requested. On completion, the handling routine modifies the value indicated to the number of fonts returned. An application can determine the number of public fonts available to it by passing a value of 0 at the address indicated by this pointer.
pInstance (PVOID) - input
lFunction (ULONG) - input
rc (LONG) - returns
The handling routine should return the number of fonts not returned or else return GPI_ALTERROR if an error occurred.
Possible Errors Detected: When an error is detected, the handling routine must call WinSetErrorInfo to post the condition. Error codes for conditions that the handling routine is expected to check include: