flOptions (ULONG) - input
treatment of eliminated lines and columns. Option flags:
Stretch and compress, as necessary, ORing
any eliminated rows and columns. Used for White on Black.
Stretch and compress, as necessary, ANDing any eliminated
rows and columns. Used for Black on White.
Stretch and compress, as necessary, IGNORing any
eliminated rows and columns. Used for color.
The target rectangle is defined in world coordinates
in the target PS. When this option is specified, the target rectangle is
transformed to device coordinates. Where any shear or rotation has occurred,
the target rectangle must be converted to an upright rectangle that bounds
the transformed figure. This rectangle is then used as the target for the
operation. No inversion of the image takes place.
The source color map is defined in terms of indexes
into the destination color map instead of RGB values.
The color values in BITMAPINFOHEADER2 are not colors;
they are indexes into the currently realized palette.
No color information is associated with the source.
The source bit map should be copied directly to the destination without
translating the pels. This option must be supported if the device supports
palette management.
an enhanced stretching algorithm when stretching a bit map.
hdcSrc is a bit map handle. The bit map must not
be currently selected into a device context. If this flag is not set, hdcSrc
is a DC handle.
set, the pBattrs parameter is present. This option can be ORed with any
of the options above.
Note: Flags 15-31
are not used by the system; they are reserved for use by the presentation
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