Simulation support:
None. This function is mandatory for all drivers.
GreDrawLinesInPath draws a sequence of one or more straight lines from the sequence of linked structures addressed by pLine.
This function must be supported by all presentation drivers. However, it is not called by any specific function. GreDrawLinesInPath is used by the filing routines and the path rendering routines within the graphics engine to produce output.
#define INCL_GRE_LINES #include <os2.h> HDC hdc; /* Device context handle. */ PRECTL prclBound; /* Pointer to a bounding box for the lines. */ PCURVE pLine; /* Pointer to the first of a series of linked structures. */ ULONG cLines; /* Count of LINE structures to draw. */ PVOID pInstance; /* Pointer to instance data. */ ULONG lFunction; LONG rc; /* Return Codes. */ rc = GreDrawLinesInPath(hdc, prclBound, pLine, cLines, pInstance, lFunction);