* This is an example script file. It
   * includes most commands supported by the
   * parser.
   * @thread takes a filename as a parameter
   * to open as * the thread log file
   @thread test
   * @log accepts a string to be logged to the
   * log file specified in the immediately
   * preceding @thread command.  All entries to
   * the log file are preceded with the current
   * date/time stamp taken from the system
   * real-time clock.
   @log "Beginning of thread 1"
   * @newalias takes a unique alias name and
   * name of device grammar file to be opened
   * for input
   @newalias mycd cdrom.scr
   * @import takes a filename as a parameter.
   * The filename is a script filename which
   * contains script commands that follow
   * conventions described in this file.
   @import filename
   * example device directive lines.  The first
   * token is a previously opened @newalias
   * name, 2nd token is device specific
   * function keyword as declared in the device
   * grammar file.
   mycd cd_close
   mycd cd_open
   * The following commands/functions are
   * available to any grammar that imports
   * global.gra
   * For all global functions the first
   * token is a previously-opened alias name,
   * 2nd token is a generic function name.
   mycd set param_kwd=value
   mycd message "some string to be prompted"
   mycd log "Send this text to the log file."

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